Diferencia entre revisiones de «Ultra-Ruin»

85 bytes añadidos ,  11 abr 2014
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Línea 12: Línea 12:

El complejo cuenta con una gran variedad de espacios multifuncionales y plataformas que pueden ser activadas para diferentes funciones de la vida y la meditación. La continuidad espacial entre los espacios interiores y exteriores es flexible, también el interior está al exterior y la selva está al interior. El Ultra-Ruin es un instrumento arquitectónico interpretado por la naturaleza, incluyendo los humanos. El usuario principal es una familia  privada, pero el espacio se abre ocasionalmente para reuniones más amplias.

The complex has a variety of multi-functional spaces and platforms that can be activated for different living functions and for meditation. The spatial continuity between interior and exterior spaces is flexible – also the inside is out and the jungle is in the house. The Ultra-Ruin is an architectural instrument played by nature including human. The main user is a private family, but the space is occasionally opened up for wider meetings.

Ultra-Ruin is more of an organic accident, than based on industrial control. Accident is greater than architectural control. Architectural control has been opened up in order to let nature to step in and human error to take place. In order to understand the dynamics of an accident one must be present. To be present is the key of all art.  
Ultra-Ruin is more of an organic accident, than based on industrial control. Accident is greater than architectural control. Architectural control has been opened up in order to let nature to step in and human error to take place. In order to understand the dynamics of an accident one must be present. To be present is the key of all art.  
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