
Diferencia entre revisiones de «Central Park»

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Línea 71: Línea 71:
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== Bibliografía ==
* Bruce Kelly, Gail Travis Guillet, y Mary Ellen W. Hern. ''Art of the Olmsted Landscape''. New York: City Landmarks Preservation Commission: Arts Publisher, 1981. ISBN 0-941302-00-8.
* Eugene Kinkead. ''Central Park, 1857-1995: The Birth, Decline, and Reneal of a National Treasure''. New York: Norton, 1990. ISBN 0-393-02531-4.
* Sara Cedar Miller. ''Central Park, An American Masterpiece: A Comprehensive History of the Nation's First Urban Park''. New York: Abrams, 2003. ISBN 0-8109-3946-0.
* Roy Rosenzweig y Elizabeth Blackmar. ''The Park and the People: A History of Central Park''. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1992. ISBN 0-8014-9751-5.
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