Diferencia entre revisiones de «Aviario del zoo de Londres»

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El '''Aviario del zoo de Londres''' conocido también como aviario y aviario * fue proyectado por [[Cedric Price]] junto con [[Lord Snowdon]] y el ingeniero Frank Newby  y construido entre 1961 y 1963.

Para su construcción se utilizaron tubos de fundición de aluminio, cables y malla de aluminio soldada, e incorpora una pasarela elevada.
It was designed by Lord Snowdon, Cedric Price and engineer Frank Newby. The aviary was constructed using aluminium cast tubes, cables, and welded aluminium mesh, and incorporated an elevated walkway. Material in this file includes early site surveys, development and landscaping plans for the zoo and adjacent areas; conceptual sketches; design development sketches; working drawings, including plans, elevations, sections, axonometric drawings, and details showing footings, elevated walkway, planting and nesting boxes, pool cliffs and waterfalls, retaining wall, public entrance, perch prototype, diagrams showing bird activities/locations, structural details, work schedules; and working drawings by associate architects, engineering consultants, and manufacturers. Publication materials include originals and copies for an article in 'Architectural Design' (Sept. 1965), 451-459. Material is this file was produced between 1958 and 2001, but predominantly between 1960 and 1966.
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