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La parcela, rodeada como está por amplias calles a sus tres lados, permitió a Williams aprovechar al máximo el concepto de "caja de cristal". No sólo permitió un buen uso de la luz diurna, sino que también permitió que la imprenta pudiera verse desde la calle.  
La parcela, rodeada como está por amplias calles a sus tres lados, permitió a Williams aprovechar al máximo el concepto de "caja de cristal". No sólo permitió un buen uso de la luz diurna, sino que también permitió que la imprenta pudiera verse desde la calle.  
Como ya había hecho en la [[Fábrica de productos farmacéuticos Boots]] (1932), Williams fue capaz de responder a las exigencias operativas de los procesos industriales de sus clientes y sus requerimientos de flujos de trabajo mediante el diseño de una estructura de pilares y losas de hormigón que proporcionan áreas de trabajo libres de obstáculos.

As he had at the earlier Boots Packed Wet Goods Factory (1932), Williams was able to respond to the operational demands of the client's industrial processes and their exact workflow requirements by designing a concrete column-and-slab structure that provided unencumbered working areas. This was done by carefully optimising the spans and the unobtrusive positioning of columns.
However, unlike the Boots project, here Williams adopted a true curtain wall glazing system using clear glass and Vitrolite (black glass). Bands of Vitrolite were used to both conceal and represent the positions of the columns and floor slabs — the presses in the 7.3m high printing hall were fully visible. The hall floor was raised to loading deck level, allowing partial views of the basement as well. This arrangement made a spectacular sight, particularly at night when the presses were in full flow and the hall and basement brightly lit. The back third of the printing hall contained a mezzanine.
However, unlike the Boots project, here Williams adopted a true curtain wall glazing system using clear glass and Vitrolite (black glass). Bands of Vitrolite were used to both conceal and represent the positions of the columns and floor slabs — the presses in the 7.3m high printing hall were fully visible. The hall floor was raised to loading deck level, allowing partial views of the basement as well. This arrangement made a spectacular sight, particularly at night when the presses were in full flow and the hall and basement brightly lit. The back third of the printing hall contained a mezzanine.
Based on a simple double square rectangular plan, the five storey building has a general floor height of 3.6m and square structural bays of 11.88m at its heart. These consist of two-way floor slabs with 914mm square columns. The grid then reduces to 11.88m x 7.62m at the perimeter, where floor slabs are supported by reduced-depth columns (914mm face width, 305mm deep).
Based on a simple double square rectangular plan, the five storey building has a general floor height of 3.6m and square structural bays of 11.88m at its heart. These consist of two-way floor slabs with 914mm square columns. The grid then reduces to 11.88m x 7.62m at the perimeter, where floor slabs are supported by reduced-depth columns (914mm face width, 305mm deep).
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