Diferencia entre revisiones de «Grandes Almacenes Shirokiya»

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'''Grandes Almacenes Shirokiya''' proyectados por [[Kikuji Ishimoto]] junto con [[Yamaguchi Bunzo]] y construidos en Tokio entre 1928 y 1931.
'''Grandes Almacenes Shirokiya''' proyectados por [[Kikuji Ishimoto]] junto con [[Yamaguchi Bunzo]] y construidos en Tokio entre 1928 y 1931.
Ishimoto’s subsequent project for Shirokiya produced the first modern style department store
in Japan and rejected the Western decoration that typified department stores, seeking a novel
image through contemporary Western architectural motifs and architectural expression based on
structure, form, composition and material.20 Ishimoto employed a reinforced concrete structure
expressed in the grid of the south facade and the cantilevered balconies, “revealing structure
honestly” and illuminating architecture’s “artistic values”. Ishimoto set up a compositional dialogue
between the articulated structure and the variety of glazing. Eschewing historicist decoration,
he employed a variety of forms – grid, arches, clock tower, and fenestrated areas – in dynamic
asymmetric relationships, which led Manfredo Tafuri to describe Shirokiya as an “attempt to link
a Constructivist language rich in neoplastic allusions with certain modulations and figurative
traditional elements.”21 Ishimoto also utilized textures, colours, and patterns to embellish and
enliven the building. For example, the exterior arches and interior atrium were rendered in an
expressive geometric relief pattern. Consistent with his writings, Ishimoto created decoration
through geometric forms and patterns rather than imitating past architecture. He combined
expression, based on structure and function, with artistic expression, in a building replete with
allusions to contemporary foreign architecture.
Extending Ishimoto’s characterization of Asahi, according to the architectural press Shirokiya was
“Japanese International Style.” This was not International Style as canonized by Henry Russell
Hitchcock and Philip Johnson, but Japanese International Style in the sense that it was a sampling
of international production domesticated for a Japanese context.22 Ishimoto’s structures, forms, and
designs were inspired by a combination of foreign precedents by Mendelsohn, Sullivan, Poelzig, and
Dudok with influences from Cubism, Constructivism, De Stijl, the Bauhaus, and Expressionism.23 As
expressed in his writings, it is through their mixture that Ishimoto sought a Japanese International
Style modern architecture.
Línea 23: Línea 51:
* http://www.unitec.ac.nz/epress/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Japonisation-of-Modern-Architecture_Kikuji-Ishimoto-Junzo-Sakakura-and-Other-Precursors-by-Ari-Seligmann.pdf
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