Diferencia entre revisiones de «Burnham & Root»

25 bytes añadidos ,  12 jun 2023
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Línea 25: Línea 25:
* Casa de Sidney Kent
* Casa de Sidney Kent
Hines, Thomas S. ''Burnham of Chicago, Architect and Planner''. New York: Oxford University Press, 1974.
{{Ref|Hines, Thomas S. ''Burnham of Chicago, Architect and Planner''. New York: Oxford University Press, 1974.}}
{{Ref|Peisch, Mark L. ''The Chicago School of Architecture : Early followers of Sullivan and Wright'. Londres: Phaidon Press, 1964.}}
Peisch, Mark L. ''The Chicago School of Architecture : Early followers of Sullivan and Wright'. Londres: Phaidon Press, 1964.
{{Ref|Condit, Carl W. ''The Chicago School of Architecture: A history of commercial and public buildings in the Chicago área 1875-1925''. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1964.}}
Condit, Carl W. ''The Chicago School of Architecture: A history of commercial and public buildings in the Chicago área 1875-1925''. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1964.
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