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/* El código JavaScript que se ponga aquí será cargado por los usuarios de la apariencia MonoBook */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Code snippet to make your sidebar items expandable // // Use this code ONLY for the Monobook skin. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $( document ).ready( function() { // Set the default expanded items by their headline var defaultExpandItems = ['Navigation', 'Orga']; // Set the basic-name for the cookies, which save the current state of expanding var expandCookieName = 'disdance_project_wiki_nav_expanded_'; var maxHeights = []; var expandeds = []; var labels = []; initNav(); }); function initNav() { $( '#p-logo' ).css({'position': 'relative', 'display': 'block'}); $( '.generated-sidebar h5,#p-tb h5 ').each( function( i ) { var id = $( this ).parent().attr( 'id' ); maxHeights[id] = $( this ).next( 'div' ).height(); var str = $( this ).html(); labels[id] = str; if ( $.cookie( expandCookieName + id ) == 'false' ) { expandeds[id] = false; minimize( $( this ) ); } else if ( $.cookie( expandCookieName + id ) == 'true' ) { expandeds[id] = true; maximize( $( this ) ); } else if ( defaultExpandItems.indexOf( str ) == -1 ) { expandeds[id] = false; minimize( $( this ) ); } else { expandeds[id] = true; maximize( $( this ) ); } $( this ).css({'cursor': 'pointer'}); $( this ).click( toggleNav ); } ); } function minimize( target ) { var id = $( target ).parent().attr( 'id' ); // You can change the expires parameter to save the cookie longer/shorter than 7 days like in this code $.cookie( expandCookieName + id, 'false', { expires: 7} ); var str = labels[id] + ' ►'; $( target ).next( 'div' ).animate({'height': '0px'}); $( target ).html( str ); } function maximize( target ) { var id = $( target ).parent().attr( 'id' ); // You can change the expires parameter to save the cookie longer/shorter than 7 days like in this code $.cookie( expandCookieName + id, 'true', { expires: 7} ); var str = labels[id] + ' ▼'; var newHeight = maxHeights[id]; $( target ).next( 'div' ).animate({'height': newHeight + 'px'}); $( target ).html( str ); } function toggleNav( e ) { var id = $( ).parent().attr( 'id' ); expandeds[id] = !expandeds[id]; if( expandeds[id] == true ) { maximize( ); } else { minimize( ); } } importScript('MediaWiki:Common.js'); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////