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Diferencia entre revisiones de «Edificio New York Times»

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[[Archivo:The new york times building in new york city.jpg|thumb|Antigua sede del grupo [[The New York Times Company]]]]
<div style="float:right;"><hovergallery widths=320px heights=320px mode=nolines perrow=1>The new york times building in new york city.jpg|{{AltC|Antigua sede del grupo [[The New York Times Company]]}}</hovergallery></div>
The New York Times Company will occupy about 800,000 square feet (74,300 square meter) on the second through the 28th floors and Forest City Ratner and ING Real Estate will own about 600,000 square feet (55,700 square meter) on floors 29 through 50 as well as 20,000 square feet (1,858 square meter) of street-level retail space.
The New York Times Company will occupy about 800,000 square feet (74,300 square meter) on the second through the 28th floors and Forest City Ratner and ING Real Estate will own about 600,000 square feet (55,700 square meter) on floors 29 through 50 as well as 20,000 square feet (1,858 square meter) of street-level retail space.

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