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Diferencia entre revisiones de «Parque Potemkin»

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The design of the park was drawn on site in 1:1 scale on snow by walking the lines with snow-shoes and then built up when the snow melted. Echigo-Tsumari region may get 3 meters of snow.  
El diseño del parque se dibujó en el sitio a escala 1:1 en la nieve, marcando las líneas a pie con raquetas de nieve y construido cuando la nieve se derritió. En la Región de Echigo-Tsumari la altura de la nieve puede alcanzar los 3 metros.

The Potemkin is an artistically articulated collage of recycled urban and industrial waste, an industrial ruin for post-industrial meditation. As one enters the park the one inch thick steel walls are on the ground level, but while proceeding further the ground is descending, while the walls keep levelled and thus become 5 metes high. The wall system is framing a set of old oak trees and a series of outdoor and indoor spaces, smaller temples and courtyards with the final focus on the river down in the valley. Kamagawa River, where one may fish an ayu-fish, grill it and eat it up in Potemkin and go home.   
The Potemkin is an artistically articulated collage of recycled urban and industrial waste, an industrial ruin for post-industrial meditation. As one enters the park the one inch thick steel walls are on the ground level, but while proceeding further the ground is descending, while the walls keep levelled and thus become 5 metes high. The wall system is framing a set of old oak trees and a series of outdoor and indoor spaces, smaller temples and courtyards with the final focus on the river down in the valley. Kamagawa River, where one may fish an ayu-fish, grill it and eat it up in Potemkin and go home.   
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