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'''Serge Ivan Chermayeff''' ([[October 8]] 1900 – [[May 8]] 1996) was a [[Chechnya|Chechen]] born, [[United Kingdom|British]] [[architect]], writer, and co-founder of several architectural societies, including the American Society of Planners and Architects.
'''Serge Ivan Chermayeff''' ([[October 8]] 1900 – [[May 8]] 1996) was a [[Chechnya|Chechen]] born, [[United Kingdom|British]] [[architect]], writer, and co-founder of several architectural societies, including the American Society of Planners and Architects.

[[Imagen:De la warr front view.jpg|right|thumb|The De La Warr Pavilion in Bexhill on Sea]]
[[Imagen:De la warr front view.jpg|right|thumb|The De La Warr Pavilion in Bexhill on Sea]]
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